FAIRification elements of research data policy among biomedical journals in China: an investigation in journals funded by Excellence Action Plan for China’s STM Journals Phase One
投稿时间:2024-11-20  修订日期:2025-02-14
中文关键词: 数据政策  期刊  生物医学  卓越计划  FAIR
英文关键词: research data policy  biomedical journal  Excellence Action Plan for China’s STM Journals  FAIR
王亚辉 复旦大学附属妇产科医院 200434
李锋 同济大学 
李大金 复旦大学附属妇产科医院 
张慧* 司法鉴定研究院期刊中心 200063
摘要点击次数: 13
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      This paper aims to present the implementation of research data policy in biomedical journals in China and to provide a specific perspective and reference for enhancing the implementation of research data policy framework. A sample of 91 biomedical journals funded by Excellence Action Plan was selected. The research data policy texts of the sample were examined and evaluated by using 9 FAIRification elements. It’s showed that significant differences existed across samples with different funding types, languages, access models and digital publishing platforms, in terms of data findability, accessibility and reusability. Data policy design and formulation facilitate the process of implementation of framework’s principles. Specific emphasis should be placed on recommending data repositories and data licences, which additionally is beneficial for adhering to ethical responsibilities for biomedical journals.
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