王睿,姚远,姚树峰,吴幼叶.晚清《利济学堂报》的科技传播创造 ——兼论我国高校专业科技期刊的起源.编辑学报,2008,20(3):206-208
晚清《利济学堂报》的科技传播创造 ——兼论我国高校专业科技期刊的起源
Influence of Liji Medical School Journal on propagandizing for science and technology:also on the origination of specialized journals of Chinese universities
投稿时间:2007-10-14  修订日期:2007-10-14
中文关键词: 《利济学堂报》  中医期刊史  科技传播
英文关键词: Liji Medical School Journal  history of traditional Chinese medicine journals  sci-tech spreading
王睿 第四军医大学学报编辑部,710033 
姚远 西北大学学报编辑部/编辑出 版与传播科学研究所,710069 
姚树峰 空军工程大学学报编辑部,710051:西安 
吴幼叶 西北大学学报编辑部/编辑出 版与传播科学研究所,710069 
摘要点击次数: 911
全文下载次数: 1332
      利用原始文献考证方法,重新认识创刊于清光绪二十三年(1 897年)的《利济学堂报》的历史地位和科技传播实践。认为《利济学堂报》为中国高校专业 科技学报的萌芽,亦为中国最早的中医期刊之一,其主办机构利济医学堂为中国最早的中医 专门学校。它的独特的办刊模式与机制在晚清中国期刊演化史上具有里程碑意义。
      The historic position of Liji Medical School Journal and its propagandizing activities for science and technology were reevaluated via reviewing and analyzing the original literature. Liji Medical School Journal, one of the earliest Chinese medicine journals, was first issued in 1897 and was recognized as a pioneer in science and technology journals of Chinese universities. The sponsor and initiator of this journal was Liji Medical School, the first institution specialized in traditional Chinese medicine. Conclusively, Liji Medical School Journal was a milestone in the evolvement of Chinese journal in late Qing Dynasty.
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