方玉桂.充分利用优势资源提高科技期刊活力 ——《护理学报》的办刊实践.编辑学报,2012,24(3):289-290 |
充分利用优势资源提高科技期刊活力 ——《护理学报》的办刊实践 |
Making full use of advantageous resources to increase vitality of scientific periodicals:practice of Journal of Nursing |
投稿时间:2005-07-21 修订日期:2005-07-21 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 《护理学报》 优势资源 期刊活力 |
英文关键词: Journal of Nursing advantageous resources vitality of periodicals |
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摘要点击次数: 1055 |
全文下载次数: 1221 |
中文摘要: |
介绍充分利用优势资源提高《护理学报》活力的具体做法:利用主办、承办单位的优势资源准确进行期刊定位,凸显学报特色;充分挖掘护理界优势资源创办特色栏目,提升学报的学术导向性;依靠主办、承办单位科研学术实力把好审稿关,确保论文学术质量;利用优势资源强化编审队伍,提供优质服务,铸造学报服务品牌;发挥期刊自身优势,多途径开展继续护理学教育,提高学报的吸引力。认为:优势资源是办好期刊的基础;充分利用优势资源是办刊人办好期刊应该具有的慧眼和策略。 |
英文摘要: |
This paper introduces the experience of increasing vitality of scientific periodicals by making use of various advantageous resources. To sum up, advantageous resources are beneficial to the development of scientific periodicals and how to make full use of these resources should be taken into serious consideration for all the editors. |
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