林义华,张小强,赵大良.法规和标准的一致性分析 ——也评GB/T 3179—2009《期刊编排格式》.编辑学报,2012,24(5):501-505
法规和标准的一致性分析 ——也评GB/T 3179—2009《期刊编排格式》
The consistency of national standards with current national statutes:also comment GB/T 3179-2009 Presentation of Periodicals
投稿时间:2011-03-21  修订日期:2011-03-21
中文关键词: 期刊排版格式  标准  技术法规  一致性  法制精神  逻辑要求
英文关键词: Presentation of Periodicals  standard  technological statute  consistency  spirit of legal system  logical requirement
林义华 《后勤工程学院学报》编辑部,401311,重庆 
张小强 重庆大学期刊社,400030,重庆 
赵大良 西安交通大学期刊中心,710049,西安 
摘要点击次数: 945
全文下载次数: 736
      围绕GB/T 3179—2009《期刊编排格式》与国家现行法规是否具有一致性,出现了一些争议。从法规与标准关系入手剖析了一致性含义,认为法规与标准既有共性也有不同。标准与法规的一致性包括后继一致性、前瞻一致性和有限一致性,不存在完全一致性。认真比对相关法规,依据法规蕴含的法制精神及内在逻辑要求,逐条分析该标准中引起争议的内容与国家现行法规的一致性,认为标准中相关规定较好地体现了法规要求,作出了前瞻性探索和延伸。为利于出版活动健康发展,对新闻出版法规体系及标准建设提出建议。
      With the issuance of the standard GB/T 3179-2009 Presentation of Periodicals, arguments on its consistency to current national statutes occur. In this paper, the relationship between statutes and standards is analyzed firstly, and it is pointed out that the technological statutes are absent in China's law system, especially those for news and publishing, which impedes the construction of statute system and the disposal of above relationship. Secondly, based on the analysis of above relationship, meanings of consistency are explained, coming to conclusions that there are consistency and difference as well as reciprocity between statutes and standards. The consistencies include consistency of succession, foresight and finiteness; absolute consistency does not exist. By comparing relevant statutes and standard GB/T 3179-2009, and combining legal spirits and logical requirements in statutes, we explore the consistency of some clauses in the standard GB/T 3179-2009 and several current national statutes one by one. We find that these clauses meet and embody the requirements of statutes, and even foresee the future of publishing. Finally, some suggestions are proposed for promoting the construction of statute system and standards in news publishing and the development of publishing industry.
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