Keep the needs of our readers in mind,change conception and run journal in a practical way
投稿时间:2012-07-18  修订日期:2012-07-18
中文关键词: 医学期刊  走基层  读者调查
英文关键词: medical journal  going down to the grass roots  reader survey
霍红梅 《中华泌尿外科杂志》编辑部,100005 
游苏宁 中华医学会继续教育部,100710:北京 
黄鹿 《中华泌尿外科杂志》编辑部,100005 
摘要点击次数: 935
全文下载次数: 791
      In China, for the majority of scientific journals, especially medical journals, the selection of topics and the arrangement of articles are basically based upon the publishers' perspectives and articles are published basically for the sake of publishing, with more communications with authors and less idea-exchanges with readers. In order to start the campaign of "Going Down to the Grass Roots, Changing the Style of Work and Correct the Style of Writing", our journal has conducted a survey with a reader questionnaire. The survey was aimed at gaining a thorough understanding of the real situation of the reader groups of our journal, including their reading habits, their reading needs and their opinions and comments on our journal. This would enable us to clearly understand our readers' actual needs so that we would be able to be guided by our readers' needs and adjust accordingly the philosophy of our journal in the future. To certain extent, the feedbacks and comments collected and obtained from our readers during the survey carry a universal significance for the circle of medical journals and therefore these feedbacks and opinions should deserve the attention and consideration of the managements of medical journals.
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