王琳.特征因子与影响因子及总被引频次的指标特性比较 ——基于“TOP期刊群”样本的实例分析.编辑学报,2013,25(2):200-204
特征因子与影响因子及总被引频次的指标特性比较 ——基于“TOP期刊群”样本的实例分析
Comparisons of Eigenfactor, Impact Factor and Total Cites by Example Analysis of SCI TOP Journals
投稿时间:2009-03-01  修订日期:2009-03-01
中文关键词: 评价指标  特征因子  影响因子  总被引频次  实例分析
英文关键词: evaluation index  Eigenfactor  impact factor  total cites  example analysis
王琳 中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所《波谱学杂志》编辑部, 430071,武汉 
摘要点击次数: 989
全文下载次数: 1242
      Through the comparisons and example analysis of Eigenfactor, Impact Factor and Total Cites, it is found that Eigenfactor is more prominent in interdisciplinary evaluation than the other two indexes. And Eigenfactor analysis for our country's outstanding journals indicates different conclusions from that were obtained by conventional Impact Factor analysis:1) Chinese leading journals' academic influence is far lower than the influence of the first-class journals in the world. 2) Chinese physics and chemistry journals have greater international academic influence relative to those journals in other disciplines. Moreover, Chinese mathematical journals which represent poor in the impact factor ranking also have a certain influence in the international academic community.
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