A research on the infringement upon copyright under internet environment
投稿时间:2013-02-18  修订日期:2013-02-18
中文关键词: 著作权  网络侵权  归责原则  信息网络传播权
英文关键词: copyright  internet infringements  doctrine of liability fixation  right of communication of internet information
郑英龙 浙江工商大学杂志社,310018,杭州 
摘要点击次数: 1082
全文下载次数: 1153
      With the rapid development of science and technology, how to balance the interests of copyright owners of internet works with of the internet content and service suppliers and of the public has become an urgent and tough challenge. The digitalized science journals become internet works when interacting with internet. Therefore, how to restrict the infringements on internet works is an important task for science journals as well. The internet infringements and protection modes have been newly defined and partly overturned in article 36 of Tort Law which was enforced in 2010. However, regard to the large amount of the new types of cases, complicated infringements on internet works are not effectively restricted due to the article's unspecific expression. Although the infringements on internet works have no difference from the traditional infringements in essence, subjects of tort shall be restricted differently because of their unique forms and features.
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