"Taowen network":Exploration for a novel digital publishing mode of scientific journals
投稿时间:2012-10-18  修订日期:2012-10-18
中文关键词: “淘文网”  数字化出版模式  科技期刊
英文关键词: "Taowen network"  digital publication mode  sci-tech journal
郑芹珠 《亚洲男性学杂志》编辑部,200031 
黄文华 《肿瘤》杂志编辑部, 200032 
魏莎莎 《亚洲男性学杂志》编辑部,200031 
任丹青 《亚洲男性学杂志》编辑部,200031 
刘晓雁 《亚洲男性学杂志》编辑部,200031 
马蓉蓉 《亚洲男性学杂志》编辑部,200031 
张秀峰 《复旦学报医学版》编辑部,200032 
吴一迁 《肿瘤》杂志编辑部, 200032 
徐海丽 《应用数学和力学》英文版编辑部,200444 
管兴华 《生命科学》编辑部,200031 
杨蕾 中国激光杂志社有限公司,201800 
童菲 中国激光杂志社有限公司,201800 
刘志强 上海大学期刊社,200444 
于杰 《计算机辅助工程》编辑部, 201306: 上海 
张芳英 《应用数学和力学》英文版编辑部,200444 
林琳 《肿瘤》杂志编辑部, 200032 
摘要点击次数: 1111
全文下载次数: 1092
      根据上海科技期刊数字化出版现状调研结果,针对上海市科技期刊分散经营、力量薄弱的现状,提出一种全新的科技期刊数字化出版平台——“淘文网”,探讨了这一平台的基本运营模式,并作了必要性和可行性分析。 这是一个类似“淘宝网”型的开放交易大平台,全国数千家期刊都可在平台上自主建设“期刊店铺”,向机构或者个人用户售卖合法的“期刊内容”。该模式通过公开、合理的分成方式来协调平台和编辑部之间的利益分成,既可提高平台运营商的“逐利热情”,又能充分调动各编辑部的积极性,实现各期刊的自主经营。“淘文网”平台如果能够运作成功,将会为中国乃至全球的科技期刊数字化出版的发展带来一种全新的局面。
      Based on a survey of digital publishing of scientific journals in Shanghai, as well as the current status of the separate management of scientific journals in Shanghai which is not competitive, we propose a novel publication platform for the digital publishing of scientific journals - "Taowen network". In this article, we discuss the basic operating mode of this platform and also analyze the necessity and applicability of this platform. This is a large platform for marketing, similar to the well-known E-commerce "Taobao network". Thousands of journals in China could establish the "journal shop" on the platform, and "sell" the legal "journal content" to organizations or individuals. This mode could modulate the profit of platform and the editorial offices through an open and reasonable way. The tentative "Taowen network" will not only promote the enthusiasm of the "for-profit" businessmen of platform, but also motivate each editorial office to positively work together for the autonomous management. If the "Taowen network" platform were to be successful, it will bring a new era for the digital publishing of scientific journals in China and all over the world.
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