刘应竹.学术论文中的引文失范问题刍议.编辑学报,2014,26(1):7-9 |
学术论文中的引文失范问题刍议 |
Citation anomie in academic papers |
投稿时间:2013-10-08 修订日期:2013-10-08 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 学术论文 引文 参考文献 引文失范 |
英文关键词: academic paper citations references citation anomie |
基金项目: |
摘要点击次数: 1017 |
全文下载次数: 984 |
中文摘要: |
不同的引用动因和目的导致各种各样的引文失范。引文的标注形式和主体内容决定了引文的形式失范和内容失范。同时,学术道德规范的缺失又引发大量的虚假模糊引文。厘清引文的内涵与外延以及它与参考文献的联系与区别,正确对待现有学术标准和规范,并在运用中使之日臻完善;责任编辑应树立正确的引文价值观,恪守职业操行,公正、合理、专业、规范地处理引文问题;作者要掌握正确应用引文的原则与方法,增强文献情报利用的能力,避免“主观故意”的引文失范。 |
英文摘要: |
Different motivations and objectives result in varying citation anomie. There are many kinds of citation anomie, such as form anomie, content anomie and obscure anomie, resulted from the loss of academic morality rules. We should grasp the connotation and denotation of citations accurately, and make clear the relation and distinction between citations and references. It is reasonable for us to treat the existing academic standards scientifically, and perfect them as possible day by day. Editors in charge should hold a proper value on citations, abide by professional integrity, and handle citation issues fairly, rationally, professionally and normatively. Authors should be aware of principles and methods about the application of citations and strengthen the capacity of utilizing literatures, avoiding purposive citation anomie. |
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