Creation of Pharmaceutical Quarterly and its value of history of science
投稿时间:2013-09-25  修订日期:2013-09-25
中文关键词: 《药学季刊 》(1942—1945年)  抗日战争时期  科学史价值  科技学术期刊史
英文关键词: Pharmaceutical Quarterly (1942-1945)  Anti-Japanese War  value of the history of science  history of sci-tech academic periodicals
谭秀荣 《遵义医学院学报》编辑部,563099,贵州遵义 
姚远 西北大学数学与科学史研究中心,西北大学编辑出版与传播科学研究所,710069,西安 
李娇娇 遵义医学院人文社科学院,563099,贵州遵义 
摘要点击次数: 1040
全文下载次数: 1094
      From the perspective of history of sci-tech academic periodicals and history of science communication, this paper makes a systematic study on Pharmaceutical Quarterly which started during Anti-Japanese War in Anshun, Guizhou, from 1942 to 1945, about its background, purpose, value of science communication and value of the history of science for the first time, based on the textual research and analysis towards its original documents. The journal recorded achievements, contributed by famous pharmacologists in China, on pharmaceutical research and education, its inheritance, medicinal plants cultivation and drug manufacturing, etc.it additionally recorded the original materials of the research work on the revision of the first edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and Chinese Pharmaceutical Association’s suggestions for establishing National Drug Agency. During Anti-Japanese War and the debating about abolishing Chinese medicine in the Republic of China, with the strong responsibility to inherit the Chinese medicine culture and to carry forward the quintessence of traditional Chinese Medicine, Pharmaceutical Quarterly formed a five-dimension system including education, research, planting and manufacturing and generated a transmission chain with complementary advantages, which makes it become an excellent example of communication science with the courage to shoulder the social responsibility, so as to provide new clues for the study towards the history of Chinese pharmacy education, the history of the development of Chinese medicine, the history of Chinese pharmaceutical industry and the history of Chinese modern journalism.
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