刘丽英,魏秀菊.科技学术期刊编辑的编研结合是编辑成长的有效途径 ——博士后研究兼编辑及指导工作的体会.编辑学报,2014,26(3):291-292
科技学术期刊编辑的编研结合是编辑成长的有效途径 ——博士后研究兼编辑及指导工作的体会
An effective pathway of growth of editor by combining editing work with publishing research in publishing of scientific journal:Experience of postdoctoral research combining with editing work
投稿时间:2014-03-01  修订日期:2014-03-01
中文关键词: 科技学术期刊编辑  编研结合  编辑成长
英文关键词: editors for scientific journal  editing work combining with scientific researches  growth of editor
刘丽英 农业部规划设计研究院博士后科研工作站
中国农业工程学会《农业工程学报》编辑部: 100125, 北京 
魏秀菊 农业部规划设计研究院博士后科研工作站
中国农业工程学会《农业工程学报》编辑部: 100125, 北京 
摘要点击次数: 1083
全文下载次数: 1056
      Academic editors should be equipped with strong editing theory and professional knowledge for outstanding academic journals. According to the postdoctoral and advisor work experience of the editing and publishing research work, the authors believed that combination of editing work and scientific research was an effective way to improve academic editor growth. The authors recount editing work and researches in publishing recent two years, analyze the working focus of study, and the harvesting, experience and thinking for attempting to combine editing work with researches. As a new editor, fast and in-depth grasping the new knowledge of editing is the key to the growth of editor. Publishing research complements editing work, which is beneficial for both editing and quality of journal. Through experience of the editing and publishing research binding and advisor, we consider that it is a mode of fast-growing for an academic editor.
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