刘雪立.10种国际权威科技期刊影响因子构成特征及其启示.编辑学报,2014,26(3):296-300 |
10种国际权威科技期刊影响因子构成特征及其启示 |
Structural characteristics of impact factors of the ten top international journals |
投稿时间:2014-01-30 修订日期:2014-01-30 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 权威期刊 科技期刊 影响因子 期刊引证报告 |
英文关键词: top journal science journal impact factor Journal Citation Reports |
基金项目:河南省哲学社会科学规划项目(2012BZH004);新乡医学院科学研究培育基金(人文社科类)重点项目 |
摘要点击次数: 1063 |
全文下载次数: 1079 |
中文摘要: |
利用Web of Science(WoS)数据库和Journal Citation Reports(期刊引证报告,JCR)的引证分析功能,从3个方面探讨10种国际权威期刊影响因子的结构特征:1)自引对影响因子的贡献;2)不同类型文献对影响因子的贡献;3)高被引论文对影响因子的贡献。结果显示:10种国际权威期刊自引对其影响因子的贡献率均较低;研究论文(article)和综述(review)对影响因子的贡献率均在80%以上,述评(editorial)、信稿(letter)和科技新闻(news item)对科技期刊影响因子的贡献不容忽视,其他类型的文献对影响因子贡献较小;各期刊高被引论文对影响因子的贡献率普遍较高。提示:增加期刊自引在一定程度上可以提高影响因子,但依靠增加自引来提高期刊实际影响力几乎是不可能的;科学规划期刊的文献类型,多发表一些述评、信稿和科技新闻等类型的文献对提高期刊的影响因子和影响力是很有价值的;通过引文分析寻找相关学科领域的研究前沿和热点,加强高被引论文的选题策划是提高科技期刊影响因子的有效方法。 |
英文摘要: |
This paper probes into the structural characteristics of impact factors of ten top international journals based on the citation analysis via Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports from three aspects:1) the contribution of self-citation to impact factor; 2) the contribution of different types of documents to impact factor; and 3) the contribution of highly cited papers to impact factor. The results show that the contribution of self-citation to impact factor is low; the contribution rates of articles and reviews to impact factor are high (>80%), and so does that of highly cited papers. It is suggested that increasing the self-citation of a journal can improve its impact factor, but cannot improve its real impact. It will be helpful to increase the journal impact factor by scientifically designing the document type, publishing more editorials, letters and news items, seeking research fronts and focuses, and strengthening the topics planning in related academic fields. |
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