Analysis of foreign biomedical journals:enlightenment on the selection of peer reviewers
投稿时间:2014-04-02  修订日期:2014-04-02
中文关键词: 生物医学期刊  同行评议  审稿人
英文关键词: biomedical journals  peer review  reviewer
徐志英 中山大学附属第一医院《中国血管外科杂志》电子版编辑部,510080,广州 
摘要点击次数: 874
全文下载次数: 833
      The publication of high-quality academic articles depends extremely on the high-quality professional peer review. Although the process of peer review may not be perfect, it improves the quality of authors' writing as well as the level of journal editors. Investigation of journal publication has revealed the best predictive factors on journal quality, including the peer reviewers who work or not at the affiliated hospital of university, or those younger reviewers who postgraduated within 10 years. Data from our electronic journals seem to be similar to the results from the investigation of foreign medical journals. Even now there are limitations for further improvement of article review, many specialists suggest to develop a standard training system to peer reviewers by arranging relevant courses, but its effectiveness still needs to be verified by long-term practice. Thus, a deep understanding of the reviewer's knowledge, skills as well as their review experience and their academic cognition will help the journal editors to select the suitable peer reviewers for their high quality publication.
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