王丽.中国知网数据库中高被引文献与高下载文献类型分析 ——以医药卫生科技类文献为例.编辑学报,2015,27(5):503-505
中国知网数据库中高被引文献与高下载文献类型分析 ——以医药卫生科技类文献为例
Analysis of types of highly cited and highly downloaded literatures in CNKI database:taking medicine and health care technology literature for example
投稿时间:2011-01-01  修订日期:2011-01-01
中文关键词: 下载次数  被引次数  文献类型  医药卫生
英文关键词: download times  citation times  document type  medicine and health care
王丽 《中国医药导报》杂志社,100025,北京 
摘要点击次数: 109734
全文下载次数: 1178
      The top 100 medical technology articles in download and citation are searched and analyzed, published from 1 January 2011 to 31 August 2014 in CNKI database. It shows that, in the top downloaded 100 articles, review articles and standard type articles together account for 56.7% of the total articles, while in the top cited 100 articles, these two types of articles account for 55.2%. In the 23 overlapping articles, review articles and standard type articles together amount to 69.6%. The literatures of standard articles and review articles are of high authority and high reference value, which consequently result in high downloads and citations. We think that it would be an important direction for journal soliciting contributions. There is no significant relationship or any rule between the download and citation times. We have to admit that depending merely on one or two databases to analyze the download and citation is not scientific, but can be used as a qualitative reference. Among the 100 articles, there are 4 articles as multiple-publication, all belonging to standard type articles. We think that, this kind of articles play an important role in industry guidance and ought to be widespread to a broader range; therefore, it is different from academic misconduct such as duplicate submission or multiple-publication in general.
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