赵金文,钱锋,颜帅,王晴,叶振华.中国高校医学期刊刊网融合实践探索 ——以中国高校医学期刊网为例.编辑学报,2015,27(6):579-582
中国高校医学期刊刊网融合实践探索 ——以中国高校医学期刊网为例
Practice of fusion of Chinese university medical journals network:taking the example of the Chinese University Medical Journals Net
投稿时间:2015-06-16  修订日期:2015-06-16
中文关键词: 高校医学期刊  刊网融合  集群化发展  实践  中国高校医学期刊网
英文关键词: medical journals of Chinese universities  journals network fusion  cluster development  practice  Chinese Universities Medical Journals Net
赵金文 扬州大学《实用临床医药杂志》编辑部,225001,江苏扬州 
钱锋 扬州大学《实用临床医药杂志》编辑部,225001,江苏扬州 
颜帅 清华大学出版社期刊中心,100084,北京 
王晴 华西口腔医学院编辑部,610041,成都 
叶振华 中国高校医学期刊网服务中心,210007,南京 
摘要点击次数: 1085
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      Under the background of reform of university journal system and fusion of new media, medical journals of Chinese universities, accounting for one third of medical journals in China, confront tremendous opportunities and challenges. Taking over 200 journals as research and service objects, the Professional Committee of Medical Journals of Society of China University Journals has blazed new trails in establishing the Chinese Universities Medical Journals Net. The website has updated a series of specialized teaching materials represented by Medical Journals of Chinese Universities:Continuing Education. Thus, a collaborative group of university medical journals is initially established so as to share the high quality medical resources. At the same time, an e-office system for collaborative submission and review has been developed on the website, a platform that allows authors to select journals and vice versa. The Chinese Universities Medical Journals Net has expanded the brand influence of medical journals of Chinese universities and has accumulated experience and new ideas for fusion development of new media of medical journals of Chinese universities.
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