Three issues about usage of punctuations in Chinese sci-tech papers
投稿时间:2016-08-29  修订日期:2016-08-29
中文关键词: 科技论文  标点符号  逗号  顿号  书名号  省略号
英文关键词: scientific paper  punctuation  comma  slight-pause mark ","  book title mark  ellipsis
基金项目: 辽东学院科研基金重点培育项目
鞠衍清 《辽东学院学报自然科学版》编辑部,118001,辽宁丹东 
龙海波 《辽东学院学报自然科学版》编辑部,118001,辽宁丹东 
摘要点击次数: 1364
全文下载次数: 1259
      Whether a comma or a slight-pause mark “、” should be used between English characters or Arabic numerals in Chinese scientific papers, as well as how to mark names of English books, periodicals and articles in the papers, has still been in dispute. Relevant national standards have yet no practical regulations. Many mistakes also appear in the usage of English ellipsis. These confuse the editors and degrade the editorial quality of the scientific periodicals. In this study, by investigating 10 scientific edition university journals, the authors define two conditions in which only commas can be used to separate English characters or Arabic numerals. Meanwhile, advice is proposed about the usage of English ellipsis. Besides, the authors suggest that the English book and article names in Chinese papers be marked with book title mark.
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