于海琴.问渠哪得清如许 ——记国际著名期刊《Applied Energy》主编严晋跃教授的办刊理念与智慧.编辑学报,2017,29(4):405-408
问渠哪得清如许 ——记国际著名期刊《Applied Energy》主编严晋跃教授的办刊理念与智慧
How does Applied Energy become world-famous?—Introducing the wisdom and ideas of editor-in-chief YAN Jinyue
投稿时间:2016-10-28  修订日期:2016-10-28
中文关键词: 科技期刊  期刊质量  主编  审稿人  编辑
英文关键词: sci-tech journals  the quality of journals  editors-in-chief  reviewers  editors
于海琴 《济南大学学报自然科学版》编辑部,250022,济南 
摘要点击次数: 2233
全文下载次数: 1151
      通过访谈主编及追溯其办刊思想,总结出国际著名期刊《Applied Energy》(应用能源)成功之道:不忘初心,构建一个分享的平台;戮力同心,创作一曲学术的交响乐;温柔以待,打造一个公平的学术共同体;如虎添翼,组建一个倾情付出的审稿团队;源头活水,2科学家与主编双重角色相融协同。严晋跃教授一以贯之的信念是:守得《应用能源》这“半亩方塘”,携手全世界能源研究科学家,去探索改变世界之路。
      In this article, based on an in-person interview of the editor-in-chief of Applied Energy and tracing back his thoughts on running this prestigious international journal, the author summarizes the following principles of success:keeping firmly in mind the original intention of building a platform for sharing ideas; joining forces to play an academic symphony; treating every author with humanity to forge a fair and just academic community; creating a team of dedicated reviewers to grow in strength; and stimulating the collaboration and integration of the roles of scientist and editor-in-chief. Regarding Applied Energy as an important frontier for research, Professor YAN Jinyue holds to a consistent belief:global energy research scientists must search hand-in-hand for the road to change the world.
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