Analysis of highly cited papers based on WoS and strategy of promoting international influence of coal mining journals//
投稿时间:2017-03-02  修订日期:2017-03-02
中文关键词: 煤矿开采  科技期刊  高被引论文  国际影响力
英文关键词: coal mining  sci-tech journal  highly cited paper  international influence Authors’ address\ Editorial Board of Coal Conversion,Taiyuan University of Technology,130024,Taiyuan,China DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2017.05.018[KH*2/3]〖HS
尚利娜 太原理工大学《煤炭转化》编辑部,130024,太原 
牛晓勇 太原理工大学《煤炭转化》编辑部,130024,太原 
刘改换 太原理工大学《煤炭转化》编辑部,130024,太原 
摘要点击次数: 1592
全文下载次数: 1123
      We compared the citation rates in WoS database of nine kinds of coal mining core journals, analyzed the authors, institutions, fund paper ratio and Keywords frequency of highly cited papers, and put forward the strategies for enhancing the international influence of coal mining journals based on the statistical results. The editorial departments of coal periodicals need to attract the excellent author resources and high quality manuscripts with international perspective, give full play to the role of the state key laboratories, pay attention to the development direction of the national coal industry and the sustainable development of the coal industry as the guide, and then lay emphasis on the Chinese and English bilingual presentation for journals. Keywords\ coal mining;sci-tech journal;highly cited paper;international influence Authors’ address\ Editorial Board of Coal Conversion,Taiyuan University of Technology,130024,Taiyuan,China DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2017.05.018[KH*2/3]〖HS
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