Characteristics of peer reviewer’s conclusion for sci-tech journal papers//
中文关键词: 科技期刊审稿  审稿结论分析  共识率  命中率
英文关键词: peer review of sci-tech journal papers  analysis of reviewer’s conclusion  consensus rate  hit rate
赵丽莹 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》编辑部,150001,哈尔滨 
苗秀芝 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》编辑部,150001,哈尔滨 
国荣 《西安交通大学学报医学版》编辑部,710061,西安 
摘要点击次数: 1432
全文下载次数: 8049
      To study the characteristics of peer review for sci-tech journal papers, 485 peer reviewers’ conclusions, which were made by 20 core peer reviewers from Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, were selected and analyzed statistically. The distribution of the peer reviewers’ conclusion, the hit rate and the consensus rate were compared and analyzed to define the hit rate and consensus rate quantitatively. The results show that:the overall distribution of all the peer reviewers’ conclusions is even and reasonable, but the distribution of a specific peer reviewer’s conclusions is obviously uneven; the non-consensus conclusions, which are frequently made by different peer reviewers, happen slightly more than the consensus conclusions; if the acceptance rate is low, the hit rate of the peer reviewer’s conclusions of rejection is high, which means the acceptance rate affects the hit rate; both hit rate and consensus rate are limited to evaluate the peer reviewers’ comments. It suggests that the editorial department should promote editor’s activeness, optimize the reviewing progress and apply IT method to reduce the bias of peer reviewer’s conclusion, which will ensure the quality of the technical journal.
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