Reader community:the object-oriented scientific communication of academic periodicals
中文关键词: 科技期刊  石油勘探与开发  读者群落  科学传播力  国际影响力
英文关键词: sci-tech periodical  Petroleum Exploration and Development  readership community  scientific communication  international influence
张朝军 中国石油勘探开发研究院《石油勘探与开发》编辑部,100083,北京〖FL 
摘要点击次数: 1302
全文下载次数: 1361
      Readers are the basis of the survival of sci-tech periodicals, and serving readers is the prerequisite of periodical development. Aiming at the problems existing in sci-tech periodicals, such as blindly pursuing SCI and impact factors without considering their own situation, this paper analyzes the underlined reasons and proposes countermeasures. It is found that many periodicals are excessively pursuing influence while ignoring the communication nature, and thus the orientation of the periodicals is biased. The misguided positioning of periodicals and the unclear readership community are the reasons why some sci-tech periodicals blindly embrace the so-called high standards. Through the practice of publishing Petroleum Exploration and Development, the author puts forward the thought of subdividing reader community of sci-tech periodicals, expanding the range and type of readership through all kinds of media, covering various types, such as domestic and foreign experts and scholars, industry workers, leadership decision-makers, social readers, etc., and constructing the channel for the rapid dissemination and the steady growth of reader community quantity. By these ways can we realize to push forward the national theoretical and technological innovation, accelerate the science and technology achievement industrialization, promote the international academic discourse power, communicate the science and technology, and enhance populace scientific literacy.
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