Publishing ethics problems and related suggestions related to article retraction
中文关键词: 撤稿  编辑出版伦理  学术不端
英文关键词: retraction  publishing ethics  academic misconduct
冷怀明 《第三军医大学学报》编辑部,400038,重庆 
摘要点击次数: 1413
全文下载次数: 1084
      介绍处理3篇论文撤稿的具体做法: 1)编辑部主动对“内容不真”的论文撤稿;2)因重复发表作者主动申请撤稿而编辑部决定不撤稿时,刊登重复发表声明。分析国内学术期刊处理撤稿面临的伦理问题:1)怎么合理表述撤稿原因?2)首发期刊根据什么来决定是否撤稿?3)首发期刊决定不撤稿,重复发表期刊也不撤稿,首发期刊怎么办?4)重复发表论文还存在其他学术不端行为的怎么办?针对上述问题提出了相应的处理建议。
      This paper introduces specific ways of dealing with retractions such as editorial office actively retracts one paper that the content is untrue, the editorial office decides to publish a statement of redundant publication due to redundant publication even if the author applies for retraction. This paper analyzes the ethical issues in handling retraction of papers in China’s journals:(1) How to describe the reasons for the retraction appropriately? (2) What is based on when a journal decides whether or not to retract a paper firstly published by this journal? (3) How should the journal first publishing the paper do if it has already decided not to retract the paper, while the other journal publishing the paper redundantly at a later stage has also decided not to retract the paper? (4) What should editors do if there are other kinds of academic misconducts existed besides redundant publication for a paper? Some suggestions are made to deal with the above problems accordingly.
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