程路丽.探索英文科技期刊的国际约稿策略 ——以《Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering》为例.编辑学报,2019,31(3):328-330
探索英文科技期刊的国际约稿策略 ——以《Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering》为例
中文关键词: 英文科技期刊  国际约稿  《FCSE》
英文关键词: English scientific journals  soliciting international papers  FCSE
程路丽 高等教育出版社,100029,北京 
摘要点击次数: 1238
全文下载次数: 1172
      以探索国际约稿实施策略,为科技期刊工作者提供参考为目标,从《Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering》实际经验出发,总结国际约稿行之有效的方法及实施过程中的注意事项。认为依靠主编和编委,开发期刊所属科研单位学术资源,参加或组织国际学术会议,同国际组织、学会开展合作,维护已有国际专家资源是进行国际约稿的主要方法。在约稿过程中,应平衡国内外稿件量,关注约稿对象情况,加强稿件质量控制,做好服务工作,注重宣传推广。向欧美等发达国家约稿有助于期刊国际化和影响力的提升,科技期刊工作者应合理利用学术资源,灵活运用约稿方法,提高国际约稿成功率。
      To explore the strategies of soliciting papers and provide reference for scientific journal editors, we summarized the effective methods of soliciting papers and the precautions in the implementation process based on the practice of Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering. We think the main strategies for soliciting international papers are 1) relying on the editors-in-chief and the editorial board members, 2) developing the academic resources of the scientific research units affiliated to the journals, 3) participating in or organizing international academic conferences, 4) cooperating with international organizations and societies, and 5) maintaining the resources of international experts.In the process of soliciting papers, we should balance the amount of manuscripts in China and abroad, pay attention to the status of potential authors, strengthen quality control, provide good service, value the publicity and promotion. Contributions from developed areas such as Europe and the United States will help improve the internationalization and influence of a journal. Scientific journal editors should make rational use of academic resources and flexibly use the strategies to solicit international papers.
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