Layout and focus of professional transformation of journals of local universities case study on Modern Animal Husbandry
中文关键词: 地方高校学报  专业化转型  区域发展  选择布局  着力点
英文关键词: local university uournals  specialization  regional development  choice of layout  focus points
樊霞 河南牧业经济学院,450045,郑州 
摘要点击次数: 975
全文下载次数: 1085
      There are two keys to the professional transformation of local university journals:scientific layout and precision. The layout selection should not only meet the needs of regional development for related technologies, rely on the discipline advantages of the sponsor, but also consider whether there is room for the development and growth of the journal, and find the corresponding points among the three aspects. With the development of servicing regions as the focus, first, we should continue to open the magazine, go deep into the grassroots, understand the needs of the corresponding industries, and precisely match the production of content with the industry problems; Second, we should follow the subject hot spots and cultivate the special research with regional characteristics. Third, we should pay attention to provide users with knowledge services, to popularize industry knowledge, and to spread scientific and technological information. Only in this way, the professional transformation of local university journals and the development of service industries can achieve mutual success and achieve win-win results simultaneously.
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