武建虎,郭青,刘冬妍,张楠,尤伟杰.科技学术期刊编辑交叉审读的意义及应注意的“5性”.编辑学报,2019,31(5):506-508, 512 |
科技学术期刊编辑交叉审读的意义及应注意的“5性” |
Significance of editors’ cross-reading of academic journal and five principles that editors should have |
DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2019.05.008 |
中文关键词: 交叉审读 学术期刊 三审制 出版质量 逻辑性 |
英文关键词: cross reading academic journal three level system for examining a manuscript publication quality logicality |
基金项目: |
作者 | 单位 | 武建虎 | 《武警医学》编辑部,102613,北京〖FL | 郭青 | 《武警医学》编辑部,102613,北京〖FL | 刘冬妍 | 《武警医学》编辑部,102613,北京〖FL | 张楠 | 《武警医学》编辑部,102613,北京〖FL | 尤伟杰 | 《武警医学》编辑部,102613,北京〖FL |
摘要点击次数: 1013 |
全文下载次数: 1089 |
中文摘要: |
学术期刊编辑部实行编辑交叉审读效果很好,主要意义:减少文章中的错误,促进期刊规范统一,加快稿件处理速度,有利于提高编辑能力。意识决定行动,行动的效果如何一定程度上取决于是否有正确的意识。编辑交叉审读至少应具有“5性”:逻辑性、一致性、层次性、规范性和美观性。 |
英文摘要: |
The effect of cross-examination of editors in editorial department of academic journals is very important, which are:reduce errors in articles, promote the standardization and unification of periodicals, speed up processing of manuscripts, improve editorial ability. Consciousness determines action, the effect of action depends to a certain extent on the correct awareness. Editors should have at least five principles of cross-examination:logicality, uniformity, hierarchy, normality, and beauty. |
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