徐文娟.关于中文学术期刊开放获取的再思考.编辑学报,2019,31(5):523-526, 530
Thoughts on open access of Chinese academic journals
中文关键词: 开放获取  OA2020  中文学术期刊  开放获取障碍  金色OA
英文关键词: open access  OA2020  Chinese academic journals  obstacles to OA  golden OA
徐文娟 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所《无机材料学报》编辑部,200050,上海 〖FL 
摘要点击次数: 1052
全文下载次数: 1053
      S计划的提出将开放获取(Open Access, OA)提升到一个新的高度,对于中文学术期刊的OA必须深入思考。在OA2020的推进过程中,学术出版不同环节经历着长期的博弈和努力,而绝大多数中文学术期刊由于存在着主观和客观上的障碍,只在自建网站上实施了OA。为了推进高质量中文学术期刊金色OA并达到知识普惠社会发展的要求,笔者认为应该允许相关期刊收取合理的文章处理费,充分利用现有的OA平台,并探索在期刊集成平台上的OA。
      As the proposal of S plan will push the open access (OA) to a new height, the OA of Chinese academic journal must be considered in deeply. In the process of promoting OA2020, different strategies of the academic publishing have experienced long-term games and efforts, the divergence of open access is focused on the international publishers. Due to the subjective and objective obstacles to OA, most Chinese academic journals only implement open access on their self-established websites. In order to promote high-quality Chinese academic journals become golden OA and to meet the requirements of scientific knowledge, we think it is necessary to allow charging Article Processing Charge (APC) of the relevant journals, make full use of the existing open access platforms, and explore open access on the major Chinese integrated journal platforms.
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