吴坚,张业安.国际为标·中国为本·青年为基 ——《上海体育学院学报》提升国际影响力实践.编辑学报,2020,32(1):80-84
国际为标·中国为本·青年为基 ——《上海体育学院学报》提升国际影响力实践
Practice of improving international influence of Journal of Shanghai University of Sport:international aim, domestic foundation, and youth basis
中文关键词: 中文体育学术期刊  国际影响力  《上海体育学院学报》  青年  中国特色
英文关键词: Chinese sports academic journals  international influence  Journal of Shanghai University of Sport  youth  Chinese characteristics
吴坚 上海体育学院期刊中心,200438,上海 
张业安 上海体育学院期刊中心,200438,上海 
摘要点击次数: 30078
全文下载次数: 1063
      Based on the discussion of the core connotation of the international influence of academic journals and the necessity of enhancing the international influence of Chinese sports academic journals, we analyze the path to promote international influence of Journal of Shanghai University of Sport of taking international as the aim, domestic as the foundation, and youth as the basis. We propose that the promotion of the international influence of Chinese sports academic journals require (1) premises based on the support of the sponsor's international school running philosophy, the reference of international journal running experience, and the publication of high-level international sports articles; (2) foundations based on the overseas report on the research of sports with Chinese characteristics, such as the “Special events”, “China Path”, and “China Plan”, and serving the construction of China "Double First-Class" discipline of sport; (3) bases based on discovering and cultivating young scholars, helping young scholars grow and increasing their international influences.
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