Responsibilities of editorial office of the sci-tech journal in investigation and disposition of research dis-integrities
中文关键词: 科技期刊编辑部  科研诚信  科研失信  学术不端  主体责任
英文关键词: editorial office of the sci-tech journal  research integrity  research dis-integrity  academic misconduct  responsibility of the subject
印波 北京师范大学法学院,100875,北京 
摘要点击次数: 921
全文下载次数: 991
      The research concerning how editorial office of the sci-tech journal deal with academic misconducts has been generally ending up with providing preventive techniques at practical level. The legal analysis of how to investigate and dispose of the cases concerning academic misconducts at normative level has been absent for a long period. This article introduces the background of the Proposed Rules of Investigation and Disposition of Research Integrity Cases, and then makes a doctrinal analysis of the related norms. In terms of the responsibilities of editorial office of the sci-tech journals in investigating and disposing of research dis-integrities, this Proposed Rules expands regulated conducts from academic misconducts to research dis-integrities, and stipulates the collaborative responsibility of investigation as well as the independent responsibility of report acceptance, investigation, and disposition for the editorial office. For the loopholes of the Proposed Rules, editorial office of the sci-tech journal can use terms and conditions of research integrity in various contracts to make an agreement concerning the dispositive measures during the process of manuscript processing and publishing.
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