甘可建,汪挺,梁碧霞,康蔓妮.《Gastroenterology Report》青年学术委员会初筛稿件的效果.编辑学报,2020,32(6):659-662
《Gastroenterology Report》青年学术委员会初筛稿件的效果
Results of primary review of manuscripts by the Youth Academic Committee in Gastroenterology Report
中文关键词: 建初筛稿件  青年学术委员会  英文医学期刊
英文关键词: primary review of manuscript  youth academic committee  English medical journal
甘可建 中山大学附属第六医院《Gastroenterology Report》编辑部,510655,广州 
汪挺 中山大学附属第六医院《Gastroenterology Report》编辑部,510655,广州 
梁碧霞 中山大学附属第六医院《Gastroenterology Report》编辑部,510655,广州 
康蔓妮 中山大学附属第六医院《Gastroenterology Report》编辑部,510655,广州 
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      《Gastroenterology Report》编辑部为加快稿件处理流程,组建了青年学术委员会来初筛稿件。2年多的实践表明,实行青年学术委员会初筛稿件制度,可以极大程度地缩短退稿的处理时间,节约审稿专家资源、节省审稿成本,并激励青年专家参与杂志的工作。 甘可建初筛稿件;青年学术委员会;英文医学期刊 Results of primary review of manuscripts by the Youth Academic Committee in Gastroenterology ReportGAN Kejian, WANG Ting, LIANG Bixia, KANG ManniAbstract To accelerate the manuscript handling process, the Editorial Office of Gastroenterology Report organized a Youth Academic Committee to offer primary review. The nearly 3-year results showed that primary review undertaken by Youth Academic Committee greatly shortened the handling duration of rejected manuscripts, saved the reviewer resource, and economized the cost on reviewing; meanwhile, this practice can encourag the young specialists to take part in the work of the journal.\= Keywords\ primary review of manuscript; youth academic committee; English medical journal Authors’ address\ Editorial Office of Gastroenterology Report, the Affiliated Sixth Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, No. 17 Yuancun Xin Road, Tianhe District, 510655, Guangzhou, China DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2020.06.018 在传统的科技期刊出版流程中,同行评议是不可或缺的一部分,也是保证期刊论文质量至关重要的一个环节。但是近年来,科技期刊审稿专家储备不足[1]、知名专家因事务繁忙而常常延迟审稿甚至拒审稿件[2]的情况频现,导致审稿时滞过长、出版周期延长的问题。早在2007年就有编辑提出,科技期刊编辑应在稿件初审阶段加大拒稿力度[3]。然而,随着现代医学研究的不断发展和深入,编辑对许多学术论文中的新观点和新技术的把握远不够专业;尤其对于长期脱离临床或科研一线工作的医学期刊编辑来说,想要精准地把握学术论文的价值更是力不从心。因此,对于把好学术论文的质量关,一线的研究者和临床专家的参与变得不可或缺。《检验医学》曾尝试建立“编委初筛”环节来强化稿件初审工作[4],《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》也曾建立编委初审制度[5],以期缩短稿件的审稿周期、节省审稿专家资源,并提高审稿的效率和质量,均取得一定的成效。青年临床医生和研究者具有饱满激昂的工作热情、沟通方式便利多样、可自由支配时间相对较多的特点[6]。科技期刊若想在保证期刊稿件质量的同时,加快稿件评审速度,建立一支青年专家组成的队伍参与到期刊的稿件审评工作中来,是一种行之有效的途径[7]。 2018年之前,《Gastroenterology Report》
      To accelerate the manuscript handling process, the Editorial Office of Gastroenterology Report organized a Youth Academic Committee to offer primary review. The nearly 3-year results showed that primary review undertaken by Youth Academic Committee greatly shortened the handling duration of rejected manuscripts, saved the reviewer resource, and economized the cost on reviewing; meanwhile, this practice can encourag the young specialists to take part in the work of the journal.
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