唐慧,张彤,丁佐奇,黄崇亚,陈汐敏,刘志强,张铁明.我国高校科技期刊服务学科建设的现状与对策 ——基于全国229所高校办刊人员(主编、编辑)问卷调查.编辑学报,2021,(1):67-73
我国高校科技期刊服务学科建设的现状与对策 ——基于全国229所高校办刊人员(主编、编辑)问卷调查
Status and countermeasures of Chinese university scientific journal’s contribution to disciplinary construction
中文关键词: 高校科技期刊  学科建设  现状  对策
英文关键词: university scientific journal  disciplinary construction  current status  countermeasure
唐慧 《石河子大学学报自然科学版》编辑部832000新疆石河子 
张彤 《南京航空航天大学学报》《南京航空航天大学学报英文版》《数据采集与处理》编辑部210016南京 
丁佐奇 中国药科大学理学院211198南京
黄崇亚 《西安交通大学医学版》编辑部710061西安 
陈汐敏 南京医科大学学报编辑部211166南京 
刘志强 上海大学期刊社200444上海 
张铁明 北京林业大学期刊编辑部100083北京 
摘要点击次数: 58457
全文下载次数: 1088
      Based on questionnaire for staff in university scientific journals, we surveyed the status of these journals’ contribution to disciplinary construction, summarized measures, effect, difficulties and crucial issues, and carefully analyzed opinions and suggestions from the staff surveyed so as to propose strategies and approaches in developing both journals and disciplines. By randomly selecting samples, we did the survey on staff from 229 editorial offices of Chinese university journals and got effective 402 questionnaires, which include factual situation of the journal, basic contribution extent, serving attitude, requirements for sponsoring a new journal, and general plan of journal’s contribution to disciplinary construction. We found that there exist such issues as shortage of support in policy level, shortage of staff, neglecting of including the journal in university developing plan, which influence the journal’s contribution efficiency. Moreover, there is a certain difference on degree of emphasis and international vision between “World-Class” construction universities and normal universities. We suggest that universities should include journals into their development layout. At present, the development of Chinese universities is like an inverted pyramid, requiring that they find their own advantages and characteristics, set up clearly their own position in disciplinary construction, development orientation, and advantageous features so that they could do their own contribution to national development with their own characteristics.
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