Promotion, extension, innovation:thoughts on manuscript expansion for journals not supported by the Excellence Action Plan for Chinese Sci-Tech Journals
中文关键词: 中国科技期刊卓越行动计划  稿源  精准定位  拓展
英文关键词: Excellence Action Plan for Chinese Sci-Tech Journals  source of contribution  precise localization  expand
徐艳 《江苏农业学报》编辑部,210014,南京 
蒋永忠 《江苏农业学报》编辑部,210014,南京 
摘要点击次数: 744
全文下载次数: 843
      Based on the practice of some excellent journals and the author’s experience, some considerations were proposed for manuscript expansion of journals which not selected into the Excellence Action Plan for Chinese Sci-Tech Journals under the current background, from the aspects of promotion, extension and innovation. Promotion mainly means promoting the service quality, and can be proceeded from the aspects of promoting the experience of manuscript submission and edit qualities. Extension is the means for realizing service, and can be proceeded from the aspects of effective propagandizing and popularizing based on journal’s sponsor institutions, precise propagandizing and popularizing on a national scale, enriching the propaganda media. Innovation mainly means updating the publication thought, with the nature of doing better service, it can be proceeded from the aspects of high-level knowledge service, synergistic transmission of knowledge news and papers, and different niche competition.
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