韩磊,叶青,郑云飞,邱源.国际优秀生物医学期刊深度查证学术图片的特色流程 ——data integrity analysis专岗审核.编辑学报,2021,33(2):231-236
国际优秀生物医学期刊深度查证学术图片的特色流程 ——data integrity analysis专岗审核
In-depth verification of academic images in international excellent biomedical journals:data integrity analysis
中文关键词: 生物医学  科技期刊  图片  学术不端  数据完整性
英文关键词: biomedicine  scientific journals  pictures  academic misconduct  data integrity
韩磊 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院《老年医学研究》编辑部,250014,济南 
叶青 浙江大学学报英文版编辑部310028杭州 
郑云飞 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院医药卫生期刊中心250014济南 
邱源 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院医药卫生期刊中心250014济南 
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      介绍国外优秀生物医学期刊深度查证学术图片的特色流程——图片数据完整性分析(data integrity analysis)专岗审核。期刊在审稿流程中设置了图片数据完整性分析的专门岗位,由具备丰富Photoshop软件操作经验的图片分析师,对经同行评议后稿件中的图片进行技术分析,配合作者提交的源数据,审查图片是否存在各类问题尤其是造假的情况。审核效果表明,在经过同行评议后的稿件中仍存在各类图片问题甚至图片造假,该流程对于查证图片造假是非常有效和必要的。
      This paper aims to introduces a characteristic process of data integrity analysis (an in-depth verification on academic figures) in foreign excellent biomedical journals. The professional post of image data integrity analysis is set up to conduct technical analysis on the figures in the paper after peer review, and analyze the source data submitted by the author to review whether there is duplication, over beautification, distortion or even serious manipulation in the figures. Audit results show that there are still various picture problems and even false figures in the manuscripts after peer review, and the process is very effective and necessary for verifying the forgery of figures. The droplets toolkit provided by the office of research integrity (ORI) is the main tool for Photoshop software analysis, which is helpful to reverse restore operation traces and compare details of images.
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