Convergence, operation, break through and innovation:experience sharing from Popular Science
中文关键词: 《科学大众》  科普期刊  “卓越计划”可行性  期刊传播与运营  期刊专业能力
英文关键词: Popular Science  publication of popular science  feasibility of excellence program  publication’s dissemination and operation  publication’s professional competence
葛璟璐 江苏省科学传播中心,210009,南京 
夏军 江苏省科学传播中心,210009,南京 
摘要点击次数: 309
全文下载次数: 407
      作为2019年成功入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”5种科普期刊之一的《科学大众》,守正创新,与时俱进,将科学普及的道路越走越宽,为一代代青年人提供不竭“精神动力”。通过网络资料搜集、实地调查研究和查阅文献等多种方式,积累《科学大众》期刊发展的相关资料,经归纳总结,从“媒体融合发展、精品工程立项、打破传统机制和创新品牌活动” 4个方面进行探讨分析,凝练出“融、立、破、创”的具体办刊经验。
      As one of the five so-called scientific journals selected by the Excellence Action Plan for China STM Journals in 2019, Popular Science has been keeping the principles of integrity and innovation and keeping pace with the times, and has achieved a great many accomplishments for the science popularity and has already provided the teenagers with a steady flow of spiritual power. Based on collecting the online material, performing the field work research and referring to the literature, we analyze the experience from the development process of Popular Science in the aspects of construction of media convergence, operation of the outstanding popular science projects, breaking through traditional mechanism and innovation of the branding campaigns, and condenses the experience of running the journal as four specific words:convergence, operation, breakthrough and innovation.
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