Establishment of international peer-review expert database for English-language journals on traditional Chinese medicine
中文关键词: 中医药英文科技期刊  同行评议专家库  大数据存储系统  专家本体系统  专家遴选  中医药英文刊群运营服务
英文关键词: English science and technology journals of TCM  peer-review expert database  big data storage system  ontological expert system  expert selection  English journals group of TCM operation service
鲁姗 湖南中医药大学《数字中医药(英文)》编辑部410208长沙 
张韫玉 湖南中医药大学《数字中医药(英文)》编辑部410208长沙 
邓杰 湖南中医药大学《数字中医药(英文)》编辑部410208长沙 
邹龙 湖南中医药大学《数字中医药(英文)》编辑部410208长沙 
彭清华 湖南中医药大学《数字中医药(英文)》编辑部410208长沙 
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全文下载次数: 412
      学术期刊同行评议过程是保证学术论文质量的重要环节。目前的同行评审公共平台所包含的专家学者均以全球性学科为主。而中医药是我国独具特色的卫生资源,也是我国少数几个拥有自主知识产权且在国际上具有竞争优势的行业之一,因此,建立一个全球范围的、专门的、包含大量针对传统医药相关专家的同行评议数据库就显得尤为重要。本文建立了一个信息量大、更新及时、交互式管理的中英双语国际中医药同行评议专家数据库系统(TCMPEER),并以Web Service方式设计公共开放接口,提供实时在线专家遴选服务。该数据库能实时掌握更新国内外医学界专家学者动态、研究近况,为评审专家遴选工作提供信息服务和决策支持。该数据库重点解决以专家数据信息为中心,从展示、关联、交互、服务等多维度辐射扩展,为专家带来完全精准匹配的增值服务。本研究构建的专家数据库着重服务于中医药类英文期刊,形成优势公共资源,未来将与行业学会对接,首批实现以我国创办的中医药类英文刊集群共同进入实质性业务运营,进而辐射世界,补充替代医学领域相关专家数据库。
      Peer review is a key link to ensure the quality of academic articles. The current international public academic platforms include experts and scholars focusing on global disciplines. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a unique health resources in China, and also is one of few industries in our country with independent intellectual property rights and competitive advantage worldwide. It is particularly important to establish a global, specialized peer review database containing a large number of experts related to TCM. In this project, a Chinese–English bilingual international peer-review expert database system which contains a large volume of information, receives updates regularly, and is managed interactively for the TCM field, named TCMPEER, was developed, and a public open interface was designed as a web service to provide real-time online expert selection services. This database can obtain and update information on experts and scholars in the medical field worldwide and their recent research developments in real time, providing information services and decision-making support to facilitate the selection of reviewers. This project was focused on collecting data and information about experts, the developed system radiates and expands from multiple perspectives (e.g. display, correlation, interaction, and service), providing completely and accurately matched value-added services for experts. The expert database established in this study is focused on providing services to English journals in the TCM field and creating valuable public resources. Based on this expert database, knowledge service platforms for relevant fields can be further developed. In the future, it will connect with industry associations first to realize Chinese medicine English journals cluster to enter substantive business operation, so as to serve relevant journals and experts in the field of complementary and alternative medicine worldwide.
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