武瑾媛,王亚男,俞敏.守正创新办好科普期刊——以《航空知识》为例.编辑学报,2022,34(1):16-21 |
守正创新办好科普期刊——以《航空知识》为例 |
Integrity and innovation run popular scientific journals well:taking Aerospace Knowledge as an example |
DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2022.01.004 |
中文关键词: 科普期刊 《航空知识》 出版传统 编辑素养 创新出版 |
英文关键词: popular scientific journals Aerospace Knowledge traditions of the press editors’professional accomplishments innovative publishing |
基金项目:*中国科技期刊卓越行动计划(卓越计划-C-049) |
摘要点击次数: 487 |
全文下载次数: 760 |
中文摘要: |
从科普期刊办刊理念宗旨、编辑者的职业素养、科普内容品质等方面,就如何不忘初心,恪守正道,进而探索创新展开讨论,以《航空知识》为例,提出科普期刊要发挥优良传统、传承编辑工匠精神、坚守纸刊内容正道,以此为源泉创新精品文章、构建新媒体矩阵、探索新科普模式,勇于承担起中国科技蓬勃发展新时代所赋予的科学普及使命。 |
英文摘要: |
Focusing on the three key perspectives, i.e.the purpose of running scientific journals, editors’ professional accomplishments, contentquality of science popularization, this paper discusses never forget why you started, integrity and innovation. Meanwhile, taking Aerospace Knowledge as a case study, generalizes carrying forward the fine traditions and spirit of the craftsman, innovating high-quality articles, building a new media matrix, and exploring new popular science models. Popular scientific journals should undertakes the historical mission of science popularization. |
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