Analysis of retracted papers in plant biology/botany and agriculture science published open access and toll access
中文关键词: 开放获取  收费获取  学术不端  科研诚信  撤稿原因
英文关键词: open access  toll access  academic misconduct  research integrity  retraction reason
基金项目:*中国科技期刊卓越行动计划(卓越计划-C-104) 
邬亚文 中国水稻研究所科技信息中心期刊编辑部,311400,杭州 
夏小东 中国水稻研究所科技信息中心期刊编辑部,311400,杭州 
王彩红 中国水稻研究所科技信息中心期刊编辑部,311400,杭州 
李冠 中国水稻研究所科技信息中心期刊编辑部,311400,杭州 
职桂叶 中国水稻研究所科技信息中心期刊编辑部,311400,杭州 
阮刘青 中国水稻研究所科技信息中心期刊编辑部,311400,杭州 
摘要点击次数: 400
全文下载次数: 707
      为归纳分析植物生物学/植物学(简称植物学)和农学学科开放获取(OA)和收费获取论文(TA)的撤稿原因和趋势,为识别和防范学术不端行为提供建议,本文基于Retraction Watch Database数据并结合Web of Science数据库,筛选2001—2020年间植物学和农学学科被撤稿的研究论文和综述,区分OA和TA论文,从整体趋势、撤稿时滞、发表期刊和所涉国别等方面对680篇撤稿论文的撤回原因进行剖析。自2010年后,撤稿论文数量增加明显,尤其是植物学学科的OA论文较TA论文的撤稿量成倍增长。1/3以上论文的撤稿时滞在1 a内,OA论文的撤稿时滞较TA论文长。最常见的撤稿原因是抄袭和剽窃,其次是研究错误和调查原因。出版及程序问题中的虚假同行评议问题在TA撤稿文献中的表现比较突出。大多数撤稿的文章来自影响因子较低的期刊,撤稿的主要原因是抄袭和剽窃。高影响因子和顶尖期刊中的OA论文因图像复制被撤稿的居多。中国、印度和美国是3个撤稿高发的国家,抄袭和剽窃以及研究错误是这些国家的共性问题。本文还探讨了科研工作者、科研单位、出版单位如何防范学术不端问题。
      To characterize and summarize the reasons and the trends of retracted publications in the areas of plant biology/botany and agriculture from open access (OA) and toll access (TA), and to provide suggestions for identifying and preventing academic misconduct. A total of 680 retracted research articles and review articles in the subjects of plant biology/botany and agriculture published during 2001 and 2020 in the Retraction Watch Database were filtered and divided into OA and TA articles based on the Web of Sciences. These retracted records were analyzed from multi-angles, including overall tendency, retracted duration, publishing journals and author’s nationality. The number of the retracted publications increased significantly since 2010 and the retracted OA articles were two times higher than the retracted TA articles. More than one third of the retracted publications were withdrawn within one year, and the retracted duration for the OA articles was much longer than the TA articles. The most leading issue for retraction was duplication and plagiarism, followed by error and investigation by company/institution. Moreover, fake peer review was the dominant reason for retraction in the TA articles. The majority of retracted articles were from journals with low impact factors, and duplication and plagiarism are major reasons for retraction in these journals. However, duplication of images was relatively popular for withdraw of OA articles in high impact factor journals and top-level journals. Researchers from China, India and America occupied the top three in retracted articles, and their common reasons for retraction were duplication and plagiarism as well as error. We also discussed the mechanism from researchers, institutes and publishers for preventing academic misconduct.
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