“Build ships and sail the seas”:a pressing task for Chinese science and technology journals
中文关键词: “造船出海”  集智聚力  国家级科技期刊出版平台
英文关键词: “build ship and sail the seas”  pooling of national resources and efforts  national scientific publishing platform
王宁宁 中华医学会杂志社《门静脉高压与肝硬化》编辑部,100052 
游苏宁 中华医学会继续教育部,100710 
刘红霞 中华医学会杂志社新媒体部,100052
医学期刊知识挖掘与知识服务重点实验室,100052 北京 
摘要点击次数: 413
全文下载次数: 793
      The development of science and technology journals must be closely coupled with the pace of national development and progress. In the new historical era, it is necessary to comprehensively understand and grasp the brandy-new fate of Chinese science and technology journals. The flourishing phenomena on “borrowing ships and sailing the seas” represents a fundamental departure from the developmental trends of China in the new era,however, “building ships and sailing the seas” is actually the most solid and reliable strategy to strengthen the foundation. To support China’s scientific publishing industry in going international, we suggest building a national scientific-journal publishing platform and supporting systems by (i) taking advantage of the fact that the Chinese system allows the pooling of nationwide efforts to accomplish major tasks and (ii) using independently innovated core technologies. The platform will be integrated with China’s advanced technologies and will serve as a powerhouse for international scientific communication. It will be populated with leading English articles by Chinese researchers, which will accelerate dissemination and attract leading academics and excellent scientific publishing professionals to work for the platform, thereby securing the human resources needed for it to go international. The platform will stimulate Chinese science and technology journals—which number in the thousands—to go international in a coordinated manner and will create new opportunities for China’s academic publishing industry to increase its presence in the international arena.
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