罗萍,曾玲.对医学期刊编辑的生物医学研究伦理审核意识的调研及建议.编辑学报,2022,34(2):189-192, 197
Survey and suggestions on awareness of editors in medical journals on biomedical research ethics review
中文关键词: 医学期刊  编辑  生物医学研究伦理  审核意识  审查内容
英文关键词: medical journals  editors  biomedical research ethics  review awareness  review content
基金项目:*重庆市高校期刊研究会“渝编·仁和基金”资助项目(CQYB2020-7) 
罗萍 重庆医科大学期刊社,401331,重庆 
曾玲 重庆医科大学期刊社,401331,重庆 
摘要点击次数: 330
全文下载次数: 768
      It is very important for editors to check the ethics issue sin manuscripts of most biomedical research. Here, we investigated 228 medical journal editors’ on their awareness of biomedical research ethics review through questionnaires, and found that editors were not fully understand this issue. Only 53.07% of the editors would often ask authors to provide relevant ethics approving documents, while most editors would only check this literally without original materials. Based on the above results, we proposed that editors of medical journals should learn the scientific research ethics norms and requirements of which should be followed by all scientific researchers, adhere to regulations on ethic issues in journal editing and publishing, and actively participate in the review of medical research ethics contents to further strengthen their awareness on this issue.
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