Dissemination of scientific and technological journal academic papers based on WeChat official account:a case study of China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
中文关键词: 微信公众号  科技期刊  学术推广  《中国中药杂志》
英文关键词: WeChat official account  scientific and technological journal  academic promotion analysis  China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
吕冬梅 中国中医科学院 中药研究所《中国中药杂志》编辑部,100070,北京 
陈玲 中国中医科学院 中药研究所《中国中药杂志》编辑部,100070,北京 
李禾 中国中医科学院 中药研究所《中国中药杂志》编辑部,100070,北京 
丁广治 中国中医科学院 中药研究所《中国中药杂志》编辑部,100070,北京 
摘要点击次数: 353
全文下载次数: 775
      Data of scientific papers on the WeChat official account of China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica in 2020 were collected and analyzed to study the mode and effects of disseminating scientific papers through WeChat, and explore its influencing factors. The results showed that our journal benefited a lot from the WeChat platform by pushing all publications in the journal, especially the 24 cover-recommended papers and academic topics throughout the year. It is suggested that promoting papers through WeChat account should comply with the characteristics of the platform. We may choose papers related to hot topics in the research area, selecting headlines for those important ones, change to an attracting title or content, etc, based on which we can formalizing an interesting and informative but academic paper to promote a long-term development of the journal.
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