Methods and significance of publishing expert review opinions in scientific and technical periodicals
中文关键词: 审稿意见  发表  盲法审稿  开放式同行评议
英文关键词: review comments  publish  blind review  open peer review
吴爱华 四川大学华西口腔医学院编辑部,610041,成都 
王姝 四川大学华西口腔医学院编辑部,610041,成都 
摘要点击次数: 146
全文下载次数: 657
      Expert review opinions are the most academic part of scientific and technical periodicals in the process of peer review. However, these valuable opinions can only be transmitted among experts, editors and authors when blind reviewing process are widely adopted, resulting in a huge waste of academic resources. At present, the ways of peer review are being more diversified and open, thus the publication of expert review opinions can be an attempt and breakthrough in the implementation of open peer review with feasibility and significance. Here, it is suggested that we can choose the excellent review opinions to publish at the beginning, and then gradually proceed to publish all. This paper also summarizes the selection criteria and procedures of how to select those excellent review opinions, and discusses the significance of publishing expert review opinions to the editors, aming to promote the transformation of peer review mode and lay a sound foundation for the implementation of open peer review in the future.
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