From one to the other:a study on professionalism of editors in sci-tech journals
中文关键词: 科技期刊编辑  编辑出版类论文  审稿意见  职业素质
英文关键词: editors of sci-tech journals  editorial papers  review comments  professional quality
基金项目:*中国农业期刊网研究基金项目(CAJW2021-017,CAJW2021-035);中国高校科技期刊研究会“一流高校科技期刊建设”专项基金项目(CUJS2021-018);中国学位与研究生教育学会2020年面上课题(2020MSA177) 
霍振响 西安交通大学马克思主义学院,710049,西安
范军 西北农林科技大学信息工程学院712100陕西杨凌 
屈李纯 《西北农林科技大学学报自然科学版》编辑部712100陕西杨凌 
马红春 河南农业大学学报编辑部450002郑州 
摘要点击次数: 97
全文下载次数: 377
      Editors in Sci-tech journals are the most important human resources, whose professionalism is crucial for the development of the whole industry. Based on the peer review comments of 315(up to 2021-12-31) editorial papers published on a WeChat self-media, “Tastes of Pure Life”, we did a preliminary quantitative analysis using Python and Excel. And then through detailed reading, some typical or common issues in these papers are classified into three categories, political quality, professional quality and scientific research integrity. Furthermore, from these identified issues, we pointed out some potential features, that may reflect the editors’ professionalism, such as disorientation, substandard reference list or language, un-precise scientific research, or unserious scientific research attitude. Here, we put forward some suggestions for improving professionalism, such as strengthening education of political theories, focusing on self-study of relevant standards and norms, and paying attention to paper writing from multi-perspectives.
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