Approach and practice in peer-reviewed journals to look for right reviewers in the era of “Internet+”
中文关键词: 外审效率  审稿专家  学术搜索系统  文献数据库  科研人员画像平台  人工智能技术  专家特征
英文关键词: reviewing efficiency  reviewer  academic search system  bibliographic database  scientist profile platform  artificial intelligence technology  expert characteristics
基金项目:*中国高校科技期刊研究会学术诚信与版权专项基金课题(CUJS-CX-2021-016);上海市科技期刊学会“海上青编腾飞”项目(2020B07);上海交通大学期刊中心期刊发展研究基金(QK-A-2022001) 
黄伟 上海交通大学期刊中心,200030,上海 
孙伟 上海交通大学期刊中心,200030,上海 
蒋霞 上海交通大学期刊中心,200030,上海 
摘要点击次数: 152
全文下载次数: 754
      The growth in the number of journals and articles makes it a challenging task for journal editors in finding suitable reviewers for peer-reviewed journals. However, journal editors need the help of reviewers to ensure the academic quality and the reputation of the journal. First, this paper analyses the advantages, disadvantages and maintenance measures of the traditional way of looking for reviewers. Then, in the era of “Internet+”, academic search system, bibliographic database, scientist profile platform and artificial intelligence technology make the way of looking for manuscript reviewers more effective and extensive. Finally, taken the Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Science) as an example, the efficiency of reviewing can be greatly improved through appropriate selection of experts with different configurations, control of reviewing time, and analysis of reviewing behavior.
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