Case analysis of “multiple submissions of same manuscript” in medical research paper
中文关键词: 一稿多卖  医学论文  学术不端
英文关键词: multiple contributions with one manuscript  medical research paper  academic misconduct
汪勤俭 《陆军军医大学学报》编辑部,400038 
耿鹏 陆军军医大学图书馆,400038 
张维 《陆军军医大学学报》编辑部,400038 
冷怀明 《中国药房》编辑部,400042:重庆 
摘要点击次数: 81
全文下载次数: 322
      We analyzed four cases of multiple submissions of the same manuscript by different authors from different institutions recently found in Journal of Army Medical University, and tracked the publications of submitted papers, which had been rejected from our journal, in other journals from October to December 2017. The results showed that, up to August 2022,41 of the 93 proxy papers were officially published and could be retrieved in CNKI, among which six with authors and institutions different from the original manuscripts, suggesting more than one copy of manuscript were submitted. Editors of medical journals should pay attention to such kind of submissions and their authenticity. While establishing academic integrity platform of medical journals, encouraging data sharing, and strengthening the education and warning to authors might be the countermeasures. It is also suggested that the government should develop relevant punishment policy to prevent the third party intermediaries from buying and selling scientific papers.
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