戴洋,俞卫平.以系列特色栏目的多维组合打造期刊品牌 ——以《气象》为例.编辑学报,2023,(5):575-579
以系列特色栏目的多维组合打造期刊品牌 ——以《气象》为例
Building periodical brand with the multidimensional combination of serial characteristic columns:case study on Meteorological Monthly
中文关键词: 特色栏目  多维组合  办刊定位  栏目设置  选题策划
英文关键词: characteristic columns  multidimensional combination  precise positioning  column setting  topic planning
戴洋 国家气象中心《气象》编辑部,100081,北京 
俞卫平 国家气象中心《气象》编辑部,100081,北京 
摘要点击次数: 60
全文下载次数: 268
      Taking the benefits and measures of Meteorological Monthly’s characteristic column setting as an example, this paper discusses the way to promote the characteristic development of specialized sci-tech journals,with the multidimensional combination of serial characteristic columns.Over the years, Meteorological Monthly has set up different characteristic columns for different needs,according to the construction idea of “building the base point, aiming at the hot spots, and facing the pain point”. It has not only published a number of highly cited articles, but also better created the characteristics and academic influence of the journal, through the multidimensional combination effects. Creating high-quality characteristic columns is an effective way to achieve high-quality development of journals.In this process, clear positioning of journals is the premise, scientific evaluation and reasonable setting is the key, and the subjective initiative of editors is the guarantee.
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