Characteristics, exploration and suggestions of the evaluation system of scientific and technological journals with Chinese characteristics
中文关键词: 科技期刊  评价体系  中国特色  科技期刊世界影响力指数(WJCI)  分级目录  科技期刊预警名单
英文关键词: scientific and technological journals  evaluation system  Chinese characteristics  World Journal Clout Index(WJCI)  graded directory  international journal warning list
基金项目:*2023年度中国科技期刊卓越行动计划选育高水平办刊人才子项目——青年人才子项目(2023ZZ051919);湖南省培育世界一流湘版科技期刊建设工程科技期刊杰出中青年人才项目(2021ZL9005,2021ZL9004,2021ZL9007);中国科技期刊卓越行动计划(卓越-C-194,卓越-C-193);湖南省培育世界一流湘版科技期刊建设工程扶持重点期刊(2020ZL5014,2020ZL5012) 
秦明阳 中南大学《中南大学学报自然科学版》编辑部 
王超 中南大学《中国有色金属学报》编辑部 
邓履翔 中南大学《交通安全与环境》英文编辑部 
陈灿华 中南大学《中南大学学报自然科学版》编辑部 
杨华 中南大学《中南大学学报》英文版编辑部,410083长沙 
赵俊 中南大学《中南大学学报自然科学版》编辑部 
伍锦花 中南大学《中南大学学报自然科学版》编辑部 
摘要点击次数: 108
全文下载次数: 550
      In order to study the reform and practice of China’s evaluation system of scientific and technological journals, firstly, the characteristics of the current evaluation system for scientific and technological journals were analyzed, which was governed by the database. Then, the characteristics of the “Chinese standard” for scientific and technological journal evaluation were proposed, and the exploration of the “Chinese characteristic” evaluation system for scientific and technological journals in recent years was presented. Finally, development suggestions for scientific and technological journal evaluation in the future were proposed. In the traditional evaluation system governed by database for scientific and technological journals, the academic community is in a state of aphasia, the “homogeneous and equivalent use” of domestic and foreign scientific and technological journals is hinderd, and the quantitative indicators are overly respected and artificially manipulated. The evaluation for scientific and technological journals with Chinese characteristics should involve the participation of academic communities, objectively and fairly evaluate global scientific and technological journals, and focus on the contents, characteristics, and services. In recent years, the World Journal Clout Index(WJCI) of Science and Technology Journals, the Graded Directory of high-quality science and technology journals, the “List of Important Influential Journals” independently developed by scientific research institutions/universities, and the “International Journal Warning List” have all made beneficial explorations for establishing the “China Standard” for the evaluation of science and technology journals. It is significantly characterized by “high degree of autonomy” and “Chinese characteristics”. In the future, it is necessary to adhere to perfecting and updating the evaluation system at all levels, establish a mutual recognition and linkage mechanism for the evaluation system of scientific and technological journals, and promote and apply the evaluation system of scientific and technological journals.
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