钱锋,刘明寿,张静.社会公平视角下提升科技期刊编辑待遇的可行性研究.编辑学报,2023,35(6):621-625 |
社会公平视角下提升科技期刊编辑待遇的可行性研究 |
Feasibility study on improving the treatment of science and technology journal editors from the perspective of social equity |
DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2023.06.006 |
中文关键词: 社会公平 科技期刊 期刊编辑 职称 待遇 编审 |
英文关键词: social equity scientific and technological journals journal editors professional title treatment editors-in-chief |
基金项目:*中国高校科技期刊研究会2021年医学期刊专项基金项目·期刊集群化发展项目(CUJS-YX-2021-2-1) |
摘要点击次数: 94 |
全文下载次数: 502 |
中文摘要: |
国家正在积极推动科技进步,创办卓越期刊和世界一流期刊是其中的重要一环。为了实现这一目标,需要建立一流的期刊编辑队伍,并确保他们得到应有的待遇。针对期刊编辑人员的待遇问题,调查了全国内地31个省市自治区所有排名第一名的高校及相关高校、科研院所、学会主办的378种知名学术期刊编辑的职称、年龄、学历、部分高校教师系列待遇,尤其是对正高职称级别占比进行了系统调查。调查结果显示,每本期刊平均有编辑人员1.7人、副编审1.2人、编审0.8人,而编审中三级编审只有0.1人,在职二级编审只有0.005人。期刊中不仅编审人数少,而且享受三级、二级待遇的人更是微乎其微。实际情况是一方面编辑人员职称评审难,另一方面即使评上了,各高校、科研院所也没有将编辑与教师、研究人员同等对待,绝大多数未设三级岗、二级岗。为了解决这个问题,建议设立与教学科研人员相应的三级、二级编审评价指标体系,并明确规定期刊编辑部编辑的属性和地位、待遇,确保期刊编辑得到应有的认可和待遇,为推动科技进步和创办卓越期刊提供有力的支持。 |
英文摘要: |
China is actively promoting technological progress, and creating excellent and world-class journals is an important part of it. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to establish a first-class journal editorial team and ensure that they receive the appropriate treatment. In order to understand the treatment of journal editorial staff, this article investigates the titles, ages, and educations of the editors and a series of benefits for some university teachers of 378 well-known academic journals sponsored by all the top-ranked universities and their affiliated research institutes and societies in 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in China. The survey focuses on the proportion of editors with senior professional titles. The results show that each journal has an average of 1.7 editors, 1.2 associate editors, and 0.8 editors-in-chief. Among them, there are only 0.1 third-level editors and 0.005 second-level editors in service. This indicates that not only the number of editors-in-chief is small in the journals, but also the number of people who enjoy the third-level and second-level treatment is minimal. In fact editorial staffs have difficulties in applying for professional titles, and even if they are evaluated and approved, most of the universities and research institutes do not treat them equally with teachers and researchers. Furthermore, the majority of them have not set up third-level and second-level positions. To solve this problem, it is recommended to establish an evaluation index system for third-level and second-level editors that is similar to that of teaching and research personnel, clarify the attributes, status, and treatment of journal editors, ensure that journal editors receive the appropriate recognition and treatment, so as to provide strong support for promoting technological progress and creating excellent journals. |
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