Manifestations, causes and measures to cope with chaos of academic paper duplicate checking
中文关键词: 论文查重  学术诚信  剽窃  治理
英文关键词: paper duplicate checking  academic integrity  plagiarize  management
基金项目:*中国高校科技期刊研究会学术诚信与版权专项基金课题(CUJS-CX-2021-003) 
康锋 浙江理工大学杂志社,310018,杭州 
徐石勇 浙江理工大学杂志社,310018,杭州 
张会巍 浙江理工大学杂志社,310018,杭州 
唐志荣 浙江理工大学杂志社,310018,杭州 
陈丽琼 浙江理工大学杂志社,310018,杭州 
摘要点击次数: 91
全文下载次数: 404
      Paper duplicate checking has become a major concern for authors and an important tool for relevant inspecting departments to detect academic misconduct, fostering a significant market. However, the improper use of paper duplicate checking by periodical office, universities, and education and research departments, coupled with the influence of the paper duplicate checking marketization and online public opinions,led authors to pay more attention on paper duplicate checking, and then escape from academic misconduct detection through exploiting technological loopholes, which has exacerbated the problem of academic integrity. In order to manage the chaos of duplicate checking, we should put less emphasis on paper duplicate checking and apply the results in a more rational manner. We should also strengthen education on academic integrity, enhance training on academic norms, improve the quality evaluation standards for scientific papers, and enhance the supervision system for academic norms. In addition, the management of paper duplicate checking platforms should be strengthened, along with market supervision and public opinion guidance, so as to promote standardized academic management, clean up the academic ecosystem, and foster academic innovation and scientific progress.
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