丛敏,陈咏梅,王景周.学术论文挂名行为的表现形式、识别策略及治理建议.编辑学报,2023,35(6):646-651 |
学术论文挂名行为的表现形式、识别策略及治理建议 |
Manifestation, identification strategy and management suggestion of improper academic paper nominal behavior |
DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2023.06.011 |
中文关键词: 挂名 荣誉署名 馈赠署名 出售作者署名 学术期刊 |
英文关键词: academic paper nominal honorary authorship gift authorship authorship for sale academic journal |
基金项目:*中国科学技术期刊编辑学会基金项目(CESSP-2023-C01) |
摘要点击次数: 97 |
全文下载次数: 472 |
中文摘要: |
学术论文挂名是不当署名行为的一种类型,其操作手段隐蔽、表现形式多样、防范和治理难度较大。挂名不仅侵害研究者权益,造成学术权力和学术责任的混乱,而且导致学术界的不公平竞争,衍生出各种学术争端,还会给发文期刊带来不良影响。本研究将学术论文挂名行为分为借光型挂名、馈赠型挂名和买卖型挂名3类,分析不同挂名类型的产生原因、学术不端属性及治理困境,提出识别策略及其治理措施和建议。 |
英文摘要: |
The academic paper nominalbehavior is a kind of improper authorship, which has various forms and is difficult to prevent and control. It not only violated the rights and interests of researchers, causes the confusion of academic power and academic responsibility, but also led to unfair competition in the academic circle, causes various academic disputes, and brought adverse effects to the academic journals. This study divided academic paper nominal behavior into three categories, including honorary authorship, gift authorship and trading authorship, analyzed the reasons, academic misconduct attributes and management difficulties, then put forward identification strategies and management suggestions. |
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