Construction of sci-tech journal columns with engineering characteristics and research of differentiated peer review methods under the trend of scientification of engineering
中文关键词: 工科理科化  《工程前沿》栏目  差异化同行评议  评价指标
英文关键词: scientification of engineering  the column called frontiers of engineering  differentiated peer review  evaluationindex
基金项目:*2023年度全国学会期刊出版能力提升计划——高水平中文期刊培育项目(2023KJQK11);湖北省科技期刊楚天卓越行动计划“楚天领军期刊”资助项目(鄂科协办[2022]81号);中国高校科技期刊研究会青年基金项目(CUJS-QN-2023-017) 
王旻玥 湖北工业大学《中国机械工程》编辑部,430068,武汉 
张洋 湖北工业大学《中国机械工程》编辑部,430068,武汉 
陈勇 湖北工业大学《中国机械工程》编辑部,430068,武汉 
郭伟 湖北工业大学《中国机械工程》编辑部,430068,武汉 
摘要点击次数: 82
全文下载次数: 418
      In response to the call of reversing the trend of scientification of engineering, the column called frontiers of engineering of China Mechanical Engineering was launched here in.Based on the analyses of the source of manuscripts, publication performance and peer review characteristics of the column, challenges of strengthening engineering feature are summarized under the existing evaluation system, e.g.some engineering enterprises pay little attention to paper publication, engineering application papers are hard to receive recognition under the existing peer review rules, and the column content still can’t meet readers’ needs. A differentiated peer review method suitable for engineering application papers is put forward. Suggestions are proposed from the aspects of evaluation indexes highlighting engineering characteristics, review expert database with engineering background, and column quality control by editorial board.
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