潘雪,王维朗,果磊.科技学术期刊融合发展的困境及应对策略.编辑学报,2023,35(6):666-671 |
科技学术期刊融合发展的困境及应对策略 |
Dilemmas and countermeasures of media integration development of academic journals |
DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2023.06.015 |
中文关键词: 媒体融合 科技学术期刊 数字出版 影响力 提升策略 |
英文关键词: media convergence scientific academic journals digital publication impact promotion strategy |
基金项目:*国家教育部高等教育司产学合作协同育人项目(202101395068);2022年度重庆市教育委员会人文社会科学研究项目(22SKGH077);2022年重庆市高校期刊研究会“渝编·仁和基金”资助项目(CQZD2022-3);2022年重庆市科技期刊编辑学会科研项目(CQKJQKXH2022003) |
摘要点击次数: 94 |
全文下载次数: 470 |
中文摘要: |
期刊强国建设进程中,科技学术期刊的融合发展势在必行。科技学术期刊的融合发展对于提高其质量和水平、影响力和竞争力,促进学术交流和合作,打造高水平学术交流与传播平台以及推动可持续发展都具有重要意义。然而,我国科技学术期刊的融合发展在数字化转型、期刊评价体系、开放获取模式、国际化发展、品牌建设和编辑队伍建设等方面面临一系列困境。针对这些困境,提出加强数字化建设、建立多元化的评价体系、推动开放获取、加强国际交流和合作、加强品牌建设和推广以及提升科技学术期刊的质量和服务水平的应对策略。 |
英文摘要: |
In the process of constructingjournal powerhouse, the media integration of academic journals is imperative. The media integration of academic journals has significant implications for improving their quality and standards, enhancing their influence and competitiveness, promoting academic exchanges and collaborations, establishing a high-level platform for academic communication and dissemination, and facilitating sustainable development. However, the integration development of Chinese academic journals faces a series of challenges in the aspects of digital transformation, journal evaluation, open access modes, internationalization, brand buildingand promotion, and editorial team management. To address these challenges, we proposed a series of counter-strategies,including strengthening digitalized publication, establishing diversified evaluation systems, promoting open access, enhancing international communication and collaboration, bolstering brand forging and promotion, and improving the quality and service of academic journals. |
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