张晓丽,李文均,蒋宏忱,李磊,武文.组约交叉学科优质稿件的探索与思考 ——以《微生物学报》地质微生物学专题为例.编辑学报,2023,35(6):695-699
组约交叉学科优质稿件的探索与思考 ——以《微生物学报》地质微生物学专题为例
Exploration and reflection on organizing high quality inter-disciplinary manuscripts:a case of geomicrobiology in Acta Microbiologica Sinica
中文关键词: 交叉学科  地质微生物学  组稿  专题
英文关键词: interdisciplinary subject  geomicrobiology  paper organization  special issue
张晓丽 中国科学院微生物研究所期刊联合编辑部,100101,北京 
李文均 中山大学生命科学学院,510275,广州 
蒋宏忱 中国地质大学武汉生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室430074武汉 
李磊 中国科学院微生物研究所期刊联合编辑部,100101,北京 
武文 中国科学院微生物研究所期刊联合编辑部,100101,北京 
摘要点击次数: 89
全文下载次数: 455
      In recent years, thematic planning has become an important mode of soliciting manuscripts for journals and has effectively enhanced their influence. The interdisciplinary integration is an inevitable trend in future scientific development, and its importance is increasingly highlighted in technological innovation. This article takes interdisciplinary geomicrobiology planning as an example to illustrate the experience of interdisciplinary manuscript solicitation from several aspects, such as obtaining manuscript sources, quality control on interdisciplinary manuscript, and the effectiveness of interdisciplinary manuscript solicitation. This article explored a multi-channel, multi-dimensional, and multi-dimensional interdisciplinary special issue solicitation model, elaborated on methods to improve the quality of interdisciplinary manuscript, and presentedsome difficulties and challenges might be encountered in this process, for peers in scientific and technological journals.
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